Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First Post

Ok so what I am going to show, when I can be bothered is all the photos I have saved on my computer and clippings I have kept from various magazines show HUGEMONGOUS celebrity mansion. Ok so some are not that huge but it is still interesting to see how and where they live.

Pure stalker!

I will try to even show the google earth map of each home, again...if I can be bothered. This blogging thing gets annoying, but I love this stuff so I suppose it will keep me out of the shops.

As you probably noticed my first post will be of my girl MC and her New York City TriBeCa triplex, once I get the hang of this thing and the technology I will try and post the MTV Cribs episide of hers.

See you.

Oh yeah if you have any pictures you want to share with me I would love to see them (only of celebrity / semi celebrity / personality... mansion...or house. whatever, just email it through.

Bye Tom.


Blogger isabelle1 said...

Hi Tom,

I left a message for you in this web site.
Maybe you'll read it sooner or later.
I'm Isabelle from Belgium and I'm a fan too. I speak English.
When I see pictures of this kind of apartment, I'm dreaming.
I've just bought a flat (in a city too), of course not so big as hers and surely not so expensive... but I get some inspiration to decorate mine. The same kind of colours and maybe furniture (less expensive)... I'm so happy to see pictures of her flat in Tribeca I think.
Last year I saw a report on TV about her new flat, this one, but I dind't record it. I just saw it on TV and would have liked to have some pictures ... to make me dream. So I'm happy to see some of them.
Thank you for that. I can "save" them on a file in my computer.

So I whish you a nice evening.
Maybe, I'll read you soon.
Bye. Isabelle

12:41 PM  

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